Sunday 30 June 2013

Interview of Public Relations Practitioner

Art Century SDN.BHD.
Meeting the competitive edge today, Art Century Sdn Bhd offer clients innumerable ideas and recommendation. They are knowledgeable and experience in helping clients to zero in on innovative product and concepts that are just right in term of context and budget. Their creative professionals can advice intelligent ways to decorate new product or to reconstruct new concepts. They remained up-to-date with the latest trend. They know what’s hot and what’ not. Their goal is to recommend the right idea, construct, deliver and then to ensure that everything goes exactly as planned.

Examples of products and services: 

Customized Cabinet/ Display Shelf·       

  •  Cabinet/ Acrylic Cabinet design, Kiosk, Booths &Counters design and supply for retail outlets
  • Service or Tray display design
  •  Table Talkers/ Wobble
  • Shelf Display design

  • Sound
  •  Electronic
  • Manual
 Road Show/ Event Set-up
Art Century Sdn Bhd has over 10 years of experience in the field of advertising and event managements. Art Century collaborated closely with event-management agencies or directly with its clients in design, executing trade exhibitions, promotion road show, conversation, annual dinners and many more. Most of the work are furnished and finished with different materials such as wood, meral, plastic, glass, foam-material, electrical fitting and print medias. All work are carried out in their 7000 sq ft factory, under supervision of experienced and creative project managers. 

Art Century Sdn Bhd also focuses on logistic. Art Century Sdn Bhd supply electrical equipments such as television and video CD player; sampling utensils such as culinary items, dustbins, plastic material for serving; booths and kiosk for retail and many more. And, clients can be assured that these items delivered right up to their door step. In addition, they provide clients an option for transportation and delivery of goods. 

Digital Print POSM
Digital/Inkjet printing for Signage, Banner, Bunting, Sticker, Shelf Vision, Floor Vision and other promotion material. 

Company Vision
The centre for integrated creative media and logistics solution of first choice. 

Company Mission
Art Century Sdn Bhd is committed to :·        
  • Creative and quality service by providing clients an integrated business services through design, consultation, production and logistics.
  • Providing clients with original and tailor-made concepts that fit the event.
  • Working together with clients as collaborative partners to achieve target best in promoting their message. 
Sam Ching Chee Keong
General & Public Relations Manager
Art Century Sdn Bhd
Lot 1221, Jalan 11,
Kaw. Perindustrian Ringan,
Kampung Baru Ampang ,
68000 Ampang, Selangor,

Interview :
  • Tell me about yourself.
I finished my diploma in marketing in 1976. After that, I join Survey Research Malaysia as research executive for 4 years. I have join Malaysia Airline as cabin crew before too. I have been promoted to Senior Purser and left in 1999. After I left Malaysian Airline, I work as National Operations Manager in Demo Power Sdn Bhd. I have to take charge of sampling activities for FMCG (Fast Moving Consumers Goods) company throughout nationwide and I left Demo Power in 2006. Currently, I was General / Public Relations manager in an advertising company, Art Century Sdn Bhd.
  • What are your responsibilities/function as a Public Relations manager?
My responsibilities in AC is to handle problem like shooting and introducing the latest marketing sampling activities with the latest gadget and concept to compete in this fast growing and demanding FMCG market.We advertise on the important of ‘Brand Building’ by conducting sampling activities in all supermarket and hypermarket to our client. Our responsibilities are to design and create an economic but high standard of loyalty program to attract and retain the consumers continuing to support and stay loyally to the particular product/brand they had chosen. Indirectly using them as a third party advertising tools by using ‘word of mouth’ to their surrounding in attracting new buyers/consumers to the same product/brand that they are using. Besides, I also help to rectify and giving the fullest support to client at the shortest period of time as and when issued and faulty product arises.
  • Have you ever faced any crisis/ issue(s) along your employment here?
No. I had never face any serious or major crisis over in AC, mainly because I have the fullest support from Operations, Production and Logistic Department at all the time with a total number of 46 colleagues under my supervision. Our team spirit is very strong. AC has branches in Butterworth to take care of northern marketing and operation’s issues. As for southern, there is a branch located at Melaka. AC carries out ‘Team Building Activity’ internally or externally. This has proven in our daily operations behaviour that whenever there is issue arises, the whole team will put their head together to analyse, trouble shoot and decided on the best solution at the shortest period of time to get back to our client.
  •  What are the Three positive values that can describe about you?
The 3 positives values that I have in me are:
                              i.            Good Listener: Colleagues are willing to seek my advice and support not only in their job but also in their daily life issues. This is how I have built up an understanding, trustworthy behaviour between us and earn a lot of respect from them.
                              ii.            Witty: These have brought a lot of laughter and ease a lot of tension in our daily working life.
                            iii.            Firm: Good decision maker, dare to stand up to any adverse condition with good reason and ‘NO’ to client when situation does not permit to do so.
  •     How would you see yourself in the next 5 years?

At age of 56 this year, I am looking forward to a good and godly retirement environment, so that I will be able to do what I have missed out. Travelling, day dreaming and involve with more charity work but more important is to spend more time with my family, sisters and also my lovely niece and nephew in Malaysia and Britain. As for my working position, I have started grooming a successor to take over my job function, continue to build this company to the next level of success.

Monday 6 May 2013

Campaign TAK NAK – “SAY NO”

Campaign TAK NAK was a nationwide media campaign launched in February 2004 by our former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in order to reduce the prevalence of smoking and smoking related morbidity and mortality. The campaign’s slogan “Every puff you take damages your body” was aimed at discouraging teenagers and women from starting to smoke and to encourage people to curb tobacco smoking. In 2004, the authorities are directing their focus towards young women smokers. This was because the rising number of young women smokers in the country was worrying (Tan, 2004).

The objectives of this campaign are to educate and create a new generation of Malaysians who would refuse smoking. It also prevents specific groups especially women and youths from starting the smoking habit and convince smokers to quit.

The TAK NAK information and attitude change efforts were communicated through multiple media channels including television, newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema billboards, and through collateral items such as t-shirts.

Below are examples of the various print media channels used (billboards, newspapers, magazines and posters) to disseminate health-related smoking messages to the public.

Messages included individual health warnings, collective or societal warnings and secondary health issues – such as wrinkles and poor looking teeth.


These are rough statistics related to smoking in Malaysia :
  • About half of all Malaysian men smoke.
  • Every day about 50 teenagers below the age of 18 start smoking
  • Studies show about 30% of adolescent boys (aged 12 to 18) smoke.
  • Smoking among female teens is rising. According to two studies on teens conducted in 1996 and 1999, the numbers of female teens smoking rose from 4.8% to 8%. Overall, the 1999 study found nearly one in five teens smokes.
  • Some studies have shown that lung cancer is rising at a rate of 17% a year.
  • Smoking is estimated to have caused more than half a million coronary events.
  • Smoking rates are highest in rural Kelantan and lowest in urban Penang and Sarawak.
  • Although there are restrictions on advertising, tobacco companies have found ways to bypass these laws through using brand names and remain the top advertisers. Heavily advertised products include the Benson and Hedges bistro, Dunhill accessories, Marlboro clothing, Kent Horizon Tours and Salem Cool Planet concerts.
  • Malaysia has been dubbed the “indirect advertising capital” of the world. Some of the tobacco industry’s most blatant efforts to target young people can be seen here.
  • Spending on tobacco advertising is extremely high. In 1997, the industry spent about $90 million, while in the year 2000, two tobacco firms alone reportedly spent more than US$40 million.
  • At least two tobacco companies were among the top 10 advertisers in recent years.

It is believed that cigarette advertisements by American Tobacco giants are one of the main causes as to why people continue smoking. Huge revenues are used on these advertisements.

Therefore, in line with the TakNak campaign, new regulations were drawn up to regulate the contents of cigarettes. Cigarettes cannot contain more than 1.5 mg of nicotine and 20 mg of tar per cigarette. It is illegal to make or sell cigarettes exceeding the maximum amounts.

Later on in 2008, the regulations on the packaging boxes of cigarettes were further revised.

Set of six rotating pictorial health warning labels
Cigarettes contain 4000 chemicals : ‘Produkinimengandungilebih 4000 bahankimiatermasuk tar, nikotina, dankarbonmonoksida yang membahayakankesihatan’
Prohibited sale to persons under age 18 years : ‘Dilarangjualkepada orang bawahumur 18 tahun’
Health information and sales restrictions : Text printed in lettering of Arial font of not less than 8 points
Health information and sales restrictions : In a colour most conspicuous against the background of the cigarette pack

Set of six pictorial health warning labels implemented in Malaysia :

Taxes on tobacco products were also increased in effort to discourage smokers from smoking as prices of cigarettes would increase. Therefore, in 2007, excise tax duty was increased by 25%. As of 2010, tax constitutes about 54% of the retail price of popular brand cigarettes and these retail prices must get prior approval from the government. Cigarettes were also set at a minimum price of RM6.40 per pack and price promotion has been banned.

Besides that, smoke free public places and workplace was also implemented in conjunction with the effort of the TakNak campaign. In all places where smoking is prohibited, proprietors are required to post ‘No Smoking’ signs.

The table below shows the year of regulation and the various smoke free places.


Entertainment centres or theaters
Hospitals and clinics
Public lifts
Public toilets
Public transportation
Air-conditioned eating places
Air-conditioned shops
Public transport terminals
Government premises
Places of public assembly
Educational institutions
School buses
Floor with service counters
Shopping complexes
Petrol stations
Stadiums, sport complexes, fitness centres or gymnasiums
Religious institutions
Internet cafes
National service training centres

Air-conditioned workplaces


Symbols :

√*    = “Designated no smoking” areas as provided under Regulation 11(1) Control of Tobacco Product Regulation (CTPR) 2004. Although these areas do not meet the WHO MPOWER definition of 100% Smoke Free as stated in the Global Tobacco Control Report, no approval for legally designated smoking areas has been granted for these locations.

p     = Partial ban – One-third of location designated as smoking area. (Legal provisions for smoking areas only dictate area sizes for restaurants, public transport terminals and open air stadiums.)

n      =     Partial ban – Designated smoking rooms are permitted.


 This video was filmed to convince people to stop smoking. In this video, different races as well as different sexuality suffer from different diseases as a result of excessive smoking. Common diseases caused by smoking are lung cancer, mouth cancer, gangrene and other fatal diseases. What I would like to criticize about this video is that this video’s target audience is on teenagers. But the problem is that the video is not clear enough to convey the message across. It doesn’t have a clear introduction to the video which causes confusion at first. But the good thing about this video is that the meaning in the video is very good. Different scenes are filmed to bring out the message in the video, which is to stop people from smoking. In the last scene which features a young teenager, he eventually gave up the thought of smoking after being advice by his mother, who is a nurse working in a hospital. She has seen a lot of sad cases caused by smoking.


 There are some “Tak Nak” Campaign that were held by other organisation, examples are shown below:

In 2009 SpencerAzizul Sdn Bhd was holding a Tak Nak Campaign (Anti-Smoking Campaign) TVC. The Ministry of Health (MOH) is taking a more tactical approach on its anti-smoking campaign this year.

Spencer Azizul Sdn Bhd, the advertising agency that was awarded the MOH’s “Tak Nak” account towards the end of last year, began the new year with the “I Quit” and “Aku Akan Berhenti” print, TV and radio ads. “That’s when people make their new year resolutions, and we wanted smokers to make quitting smoking as a resolution. The ads also told them what steps to take to stop smoking,” general manager Mohammed Iqbal tells StarBizWeek. The “Warning” ads, which only appear in print, show these photos that depict the real negative effects of the smoking. “MOH decided to stop being polite all the time and show that this is what smoking does to you and your family if you continue smoking,” Mohamed explains.

Another example is, holding a “Tak Nak” Campaign which was brought to us by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. In order to stop people from smoking, had proposed a new challenge called “ The 21-Day Challenge” which competitors have to abstain themselves from smoking for 21 days. Whoever succeded the challenge will have the rights to keep The Starter Pack consisting of a Nintendo Wii, a breathalyzer & 3-month's supply of Nicotine gums.